Friday, June 14, 2013

"I'm a Little Airplane"

I'm a Little Airplane
written by Leanne Guenther
tune of "I'm a Little Teapot"
I’m a little airplane, way up high, Hold hand up to forehead to shade eyes looking into the sky and point with other hand
With my great big silver wings, watch me fly!
Hold arms out like wings and tilt them side to side
When the pilot tells me, I’ll come down,
Hold hands over both ears like you’re holding the radio headphones (earmuffs) pilots wear
Swooping and gliding, to the ground.
Hold arms out like wings and spin in a circle, then kneel on the ground


Regretfully, this Airplane shower did not come to pass due to an illness to one of the family membera.  All is well and these were too cute not to share!

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(305) 554-7363


1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous Nancy! Is a shame that your client had someone in the family with health problems and couldn't enjoy their celebration!
