Thursday, January 31, 2013

Macho Man's 83rd!


We call him Tio Macho his birthname is Pedro Fuentes. He is one of  the last Patriarchs of our family - if not the last.  He comes from a long line of charismatic Fuentes'. He was a Political Prisoner for 20 years and we all anxiously waited faithfully that he would return and join the litter of family members in Miami.

I hit the ground running this January! Right now, it is odd and sounds impossible, but I am  busy and slow. My computer has translated into a nightmare-ish experience and you already know about the phone contacts.

Tio’s birthday was Janunary 10th and heis now the young age of.  He worked at Dinner Key Marina 'la Marina” for 15 years.  He began his stint there not long after he arrived from Cuba.  Once a professor, later a polictical prisoner and finally a family man able to be with his family. He dabbles in philosophy and is the handiest of men; he fixes ideas and things. His favorite everyday food is carne de puerco y boniatos with an occasional beer.
He is ours and we hope to spend many, many many more birthdays together. 
Love you Tio Macho!

 Nautical theme guava cupcakes and cake Of course.


To place an order, or email us:
Phone: (305)345-2150 cell or (305) 554-7363 Email:


1 comment:

  1. I love that man! He is more than my uncle, he is like my second dad!
