Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Waiting to exhale bake-a-thon!

Hello Everyone,
I have appeared silent, but I havent been exactly quiet - more like frenzied!  In fact, I’ve been hectic with a capital Hectic! Lord knows I’m not complaining, this passion for flour, water, sugar and design sometimes excludes that much necessary moment to take a breath! 

There are new cookies in the neighborhood.  Friends and followers typically send me images of what they  would like to see in baked form. No doubt, I am all about it.  Challenge, is my middle name and I can reproduce the images with exactitude - thanks to some high tech baking devices. Still, I give it the Nancy flare.  What is the point of it all, if I merely create a knock off!
Jamais! Not my style. 

We began the week with Drew’s 6th Birthday. Last year, many blog entries ago, we captured his 5th birthday bash.  Drew's Mom's Blog: My baby is six!
'Pirates' last year and this year 'Bowling.'  Drew is growing up fast!
I have never had such a marked adventure in baking as I did with this 8 inch bowling ball. Its was a baking “Night of Horror.”  I made this baby three times! The third time was a charm.  Completed at 11:00 p.m.  The cake was perfect, however, I was not.
Final Score: Bowling ball cake wins and Nancy loses at the 2:00 a.m. bell.  Zzzzzzz!
Pick up was scheduled for  8:30 a.m. STRIKE!


Note to self: I have created many a basketball, football, soccer and baseball pops and smashes  and everything in between, but few bowling balls. The order was bascially bowling cookies, and cake pops, but  I threw in the smash cake. I like to toss it in for Children’s birthdays.  This part of the bash is on me! In this case, my gift was the nightmare of a bowling cake.

Also this week was a 'Moses turned 13 kind of week! He loves B-ball (basketball) and his team colors are royal blue and white. I whipped up these cookies for the toppers! Two for two, y'all!

It just wasn't over ! Next, I have a very good customer named Tiffany that called me at the last minute for her fiance’s  3oth bday. Thank goodness, only cake pops and mini cupcakes. I made it!


Oh No! My niece Ana came by Thursday afternoon with a request! Tia, I need a  'Whatever'cake for my two closest  friends' birthday:  Lynn and Jackie.  In addition, her  childhood friend was getting married and they were going to sing Happy Birthday as they prepared for Arlenne’s wedding. Huh?! 

Only My Niece would think of something like this. She is forever  thinking of others. I’m telling you, If you have Ana, my niece as a friend, you are set for life. Love her. How could I say No?

Oh, and she also wanted Mini Guava cupcakes, her favorite. Beyond a Double Whammy!


More to come:  Noah’s Ark baby shower for Samantha, whose little Ethan is on the way, and Ralph, my hard working and good hearted friend has a Birthday surprise for his Boss who loves boats, Nautical birthday. BusyBusy Bee I shall be. Pooped!

To place an order, or email :

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Nancy for everything!! Everyone raved about the pops and cookies!! Can't wait until next year!
